Explore Mandarmani

Mandarmani Beach

The resort is located on the beach, and one can hear the waves crashing into the shores from all corners. The beach has lots of water sports activities which you can indulge in and enjoy your day. The 13 Km long virgin beach is inhabited by thousands of small red harmless crabs which make it look like a field of red flowers called Mandar, hence the name Mandarmani. The tropical breeze from the Bay of Bengal fans into you throughout the day and night, making perfect sense to stay at a resort well-placed on the beach.

Water Sports

The Resort has a tie-up with a water sports operator called The Adventure Bay. They are stationed very near the resort on the beach and are the only authorised water sports operator under the Ministry of Tourism Government of India. They also provide a complimentary pick-up and drop to our Resort. There are several types of water sports activities on Mandarmani Beach. All rides are to be undertaken with extreme care. The Resort does not undertake any claim or responsibility for any unforeseen accidents if any. Please take the rides at your own risk and responsibility. Some of the rides are as follows:

Jet Skiing: This is undoubtedly the most sought-after water sport in Mandarmani. The thrill of sitting in a jet ski while manoeuvring the azure waters at high speed is an experience that will always usher excitement in you. Once you know the tips and tricks of regulating these water bikes you will get soaked in the fun and excitement of gliding over the waves. It is preferable to wear light clothes like shorts and T-shirts. Women should tie their hair.

Ringo Rides: This involves riding on a circular tube over the water's surface. These boat rides can get laced with never-ending fun and merriment. The participants are made to sit on a circular tube that is consistently pulled by a speed boat and you can feel the strokes of the waves. But the real fun and excitement lie at the end of the ride when the boat pleasantly tumbles over the water.

Speed Boating: It is the best option if you have a fondness towards speed and adventure. These boats can reach a speed of up to 20 miles an hour. Individuals are provided with life jackets and accompanied by guides.

Banana Ride: This water sport involves a group of people sitting on an inflatable narrow boat which resembles a banana and glides over the quaint waters at high speed. Summers are usually considered the ideal time to undertake these rides and enjoy the delightfulness of the sea.

ATV Bike Rides: All Terrain Vehicles are great to ride on sand dunes of Mandarmani splashing the sands as you ride through. You also get training to operate it before you are handled the bike for an exciting ride over the rough sands of the beach.
